Your Best Writing Life
Each Tuesday, Linda Goldfarb and her writing industry experts share content for all levels of writers. You receive practical information and how-to applications to grow your writing career as a faith-based author.
--We provide content to help you grow as a Christian writer to make your next book proposal, manuscript editing, speaking event, and writer's conference worth your time and energy.
--Our episodes average 30-45 minutes
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--Your Best Writing Life is associated with the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
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Your Best Writing Life
The Key Concepts of Nonfiction Writing with Bethany Jett
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Linda Goldfarb's industry expert is… Bethany Jett. Bethany is an associate literary agent with the C.Y.L.E. agency, as well as a multi-award-winning author and a marketing strategist who earned top honors in her master’s program, where she earned her MFA in Communications focusing on Marketing and PR. Her motto is “Teach as you go,” which she lives out as the co-owner of Serious Writer, a company that teaches and empowers writers and authors.
Bethany is married to her college sweetheart, and together they’re raising 3 teen sons and their Pomeranian, Sadie.
Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. I’m your host, Linda Goldfarb. Each week, I bring tips and strategies from writing and publishing industry experts to help you excel in your craft. I’m so glad you’re listening in. During this episode, you’ll learn about the key concepts of a Great Nonfiction Book.
Are you utilizing the elements that create great nonfiction? Today we focus on one key element nonfiction books must contain to be successful.
The three pillars are Concept, Content, and Craft.
During this episode, we are concentrating on Concept.
What are High Concept ideas?
What makes your book a different book from someone else?
Define the audience who will walk into the bookstore looking for your book.
- Nonfiction content must answer a promise to their reader.
- Every chapter matters
- In this chapter, readers will understand take away or learn...
- There are no gray lines between memoirs and Christian living; it's one or the other.
- Who are the best sellers in your genre?
- Who are the midlist authors?
Bethany Jett
Bethany Jett Books
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Your host - Linda Goldfarb
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