Your Best Writing Life
Each Tuesday, Linda Goldfarb and her writing industry experts share content for all levels of writers. You receive practical information and how-to applications to grow your writing career as a faith-based author.
--We provide content to help you grow as a Christian writer to make your next book proposal, manuscript editing, speaking event, and writer's conference worth your time and energy.
--Our episodes average 30-45 minutes
-- hit subscribe and join our family of writers.
--Your Best Writing Life is associated with the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
--To request a guest interview intake sheet - email Heather.YourBestWritingLife@gmail.com
234 episodes
These Four Goals Will Maximize Your Monthly Writing with Tina Yeager
When you prioritize these four goals, you will maximize your monthly output! Today’s guest offers solutions to get you started. Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Con...
Season 7
Episode 234

Write Devotions to Change Lives with Cindy Sproles
Are your devotions effective?Writing devotions that change lives is what Cindy Sproles helps us understand better in this encore episode of Your Best Writing Life.Cindy Sproles is the cofounder of Christian Devotions Min...
Season 7
Episode 233

Busting the Myths About Writing for Children with Penny Reeve
Have you ever thought about writing a children’s book or wondered what it takes to write for younger readers? Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held in ...
Season 7
Episode 232

Five Tips To Increase Your Writing Productivity with Lori Hatcher
Are you struggling to get your writing started? Award-winning author Lori Hatcher shares five tips to help us increase our writing output. Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writ...
Season 7
Episode 231

3 Top Strategies to Network and Build Your Platform
Are you ready to take your platform to the next level? Linda’s guest offers three strategies to make that happen. Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held in th...
Season 7
Episode 230

Building a Robust Street Team with Kara Swanson
What does a street team do for writers, and where do you find them? Kara Swanson provides tips to attract and grow a robust street team. Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mount...
Season 7
Episode 229

YouTube is a Writer’s Best Friend with Annette Reeder
Readers want to see their authors. Listen in as Linda Goldfarb and Annette Reeder provide YouTube tips to help your writing business expand.In this encore episode, Linda's industry expert is Annette Reeder, the Biblical Nutriti...
Season 7
Episode 228

Healthy Writing Habits To Thrive in 2025 with Edie Melson
Let's develop healthy writing habits.While the New Year holds much promise and excitement, difficult times are always waiting. Edie Melson helps us prepare for these challenges in this encore episode by developing healthy writing ...
Season 7
Episode 227

How to Maximize Your Publicity after a Book Launch with Stephanie Alton
Attention Writers…publicity is your friend! Linda’s guest shares how you can maximize your publicity beyond your book launch.Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held i...
Season 7
Episode 226

How to Begin Playwriting and Scriptwriting with Billy Wayne Arrington
Learn how playwriting and scriptwriting could be your mission in Christian ministry.Your Best Writing Life is an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. I’m yo...
Season 7
Episode 225

How to Write for Video Games with Bob Hostetler
You can make money writing scripts for video games. Tune in to find out how to get started. Linda's industry expert is Bob Hostetler. Bob is an award-winning author, game writer, international speaker, and literary ag...
Season 7
Episode 224

How to Perfect Point of View When Writing with PeggySue Wells
How does your point of view lose readership? Today’s guest shares the best point of view from which to tell your story.Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held ...
Season 7
Episode 223

How to Write a 365-day Devotional Book in 90 Days with Janet McHenry
Are you ready to write a devotional that changes lives? What if you could complete yours in 90 days? Linda Goldfarb's industry expert is… Janet McHenry is the author of 27 traditionally published books—including the be...
Season 7
Episode 222

The Key Concepts of Nonfiction Writing with Bethany Jett
Linda Goldfarb's industry expert is… Bethany Jett. Bethany is an associate literary agent with the C.Y.L.E. agency, as well as a multi-award-winning author and a marketing strategist who earned top honors in her master’s program, where s...
Season 7
Episode 221

Relaunching a Book to Gain New Traction with Carol Tetzlaff & Athena Dean Holtz
When is relaunching your book a great option? Today’s guests share strategies and insight into making a book relaunch your next best step. Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Chr...
Season 7
Episode 220

Have You Been Wounded in Your Gifting? with Shellie Arnold
Have you stalled out as a writer or speaker – is it because someone wounded you? Today’s guest shares how we can heal from our wounded giftings to soar again.Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Rid...
Season 7
Episode 219

AI, Friend or Foe to Christian Writers with Lynnette Eason
Are you curious about AI's true impact on Christian Writers? Today’s guest sheds some much-needed light on this growing topic of concern.LYNETTE EASON IS THE BEST-SELLING, AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR OF OVER SIXTY BOOKS.Her books...
Season 7
Episode 218

Writing to Shape Our Culture with Michelle Lazurek
How does your writing change the world? Today’s guest helps us consider the importance of core values in our writing. Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held in th...
Season 7
Episode 217

How to Draft Dynamic Dialog with PeggySue Wells
Words have power. Is your dialog something readers quote long after they finish your book? Stay tuned—today's guest shares top strategies for drafting dynamic dialog.Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Rid...
Season 7
Episode 216

How to Find Your Perfect Editor with Karin Beery
As a faith-based writer, how do you find your perfect editor? Karin Beery helps you avoid bad editors and experience the best for yourself. Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Wri...
Season 7
Episode 215

Learn How Short-form Writing Can Advance Your Writing Career with Lori Hatcher
You don’t have to write a book to advance your writing career. Today’s guest offers tips to embrace and benefit from short-form writing.Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christ...
Season 7
Episode 214

Three Steps to Write With Purpose with Dalene Bickel
Are you ready to PEN your story?Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. I’m your host, Linda Goldfarb. <...
Season 7
Episode 213

Juggling the Writing Life as a Caregiver with Ruthie Gray
Writing and Caregiving. Is it possible to do both and be successful? Today’s guest is a multi-generational caregiver and a writer. Her story and tips will encourage… and equip you. My industry expert is…Ruthie Gray. Ruthi...
Season 7
Episode 212

5 Tips to Save Hundreds of Dollars on Editing with Lori Hatcher
Ways to reduce your editing costs. Move through your first, second, and third manuscript drafts without breaking the bank. Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference h...
Season 7
Episode 211

Change Four Mindsets to Have a Thriving Email List with Kristine Brown
Ready to grow your email list by leaps and bounds? Create a lasting email list of readers committed to you and your message of hope.Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Con...
Season 7
Episode 210