Your Best Writing Life
Each Tuesday, Linda Goldfarb and her writing industry experts share content for all levels of writers. You receive practical information and how-to applications to grow your writing career as a faith-based author.
--We provide content to help you grow as a Christian writer to make your next book proposal, manuscript editing, speaking event, and writer's conference worth your time and energy.
--Our episodes average 30-45 minutes
-- hit subscribe and join our family of writers.
--Your Best Writing Life is associated with the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
--To request a guest interview intake sheet - email Heather.YourBestWritingLife@gmail.com
Your Best Writing Life
Author Strategies to Market to Book Clubs with DiAnn Mills
What did you think of this episode?
Is your book receiving the attention it needs in Book Clubs? Want to know how your book can be the subject of book club conversation?
Linda Goldfarb discusses author strategies to market books to book clubs with best-selling author DiAnn Mills. DiAnn is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; they’ve won two Christy Awards; the Inspirational Readers’ Choice, Golden Scroll, and Carol award contests. DiAnn speaks and teaches writing all over the country.
Today's content:
Where do we begin?
Tips on how to offer your book to their group.
Strategies to engage the readers.
Blog and newsletter post ideas.
DiAnn Mills
Email DiAnn
DiAnn Mills Books
Tips to Attract Book Clubs and Keep Them Coming Back for More PDF
DiAnn Mills Book Club info
Word Search Puzzles
Cross Word Puzzles
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About your host - Linda Goldfarb
Besides hosting Your Best Writing Life, Linda Goldfarb is a multi-published award-winning author, audiobook narrator, international speaker, board-certified Christian life coach, co-owner, co-founder of the LINKED® Personality System, and co-author of the LINKED® Quick Guide to Personality series. Linda also hosts the Staying REAL About Faith & Family podcast - Check it out!
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Your host - Linda Goldfarb
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